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Recovering hospital utility costs

Recovering hospital utility costs

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By identifying and recovering electricity costs from rooftop telecom installations, we helped NHS trusts enhance their cost improvement programmes. George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust recouped approximately £170k in backdated energy costs. Our efficient process, involving desk analysis, site audits, and lease reviews, ensures accurate recovery of funds from telecom tenants. This project is expected to deliver similar savings for other trusts, significantly aiding their financial health.


NHS hospital buildings in England often house mobile telecom operator devices on their roofs. The issue identified is that NHS trusts often do not recover the costs of electricity and power consumption in relation to rooftop communications installations.

The potential rebates can be in the thousands depending on individual trust circumstances. Claims of up to 12 years back can be submitted.  

The purpose of this project was to deliver savings for NHS trusts in support of their cost improvement programmes.


• Desktop analysis to confirm the status of the electricity usage by each individual telecommunications tenant.

•Site audit to confirm the supply arrangements and take measurements to determine the usage. 

•Determine the lease arrangement relating to the electricity recovery of each tenant.

•Liaise with the tenants and their agents to confirm the status of their supply and their liability to the NHS.

•Calculate historic recovery sums for either 12 years (for contracts under deed) or 6 years (for standard agreements or to the date last invoiced).

•Determine if any use of the NHS’s electricity and power supply can be recovered.

•Invoice each individual tenant and recover the costs owed.

•Provide a report for each client with recommendations for recovery going forward


The George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust was able to recoup circa £170k from electricity costs. Review of other trusts’ costs is currently ongoing, and we expect we could deliver similar savings for potential clients.


Thanks to NHS Midlands and Lancashire CSU (MLCSU) for engaging George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust in the potential recovery of energy costs generated by mobile masts. We successfully backdated 10 years’ energy costs, which have contributed towards cost improvement programmes at the Trust. 

“The whole process from start to finish was made easy with clear engagement from MLCSU to ensure the project was successful. We fully recommend the service you provided in energy cost recovery from mobile masts.  Thank you!”

Sean Grant | Waste and Sustainability Manager, George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust

For more information

For more information and to learn how we can help you reduce utility costs, please contact us.

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